Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beach Trip 09'

We had a great time at the beach this year as we got together to say good bye to Alan. Bye Alan, we'll all miss you.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Young Women's Purity Conference

All One Way Youth ladies; this years purity conference is all about you. I encourage all of you to try and go, you will learn a lot. It's may 16th 2009, it's $10 if you sign up before may 1st and includes breakfast and lunch. Sign up with Pastor Dave or pastor Chris.

for more information check out:

Friday, April 17, 2009

One Way Logo Wall

So we've made some changes to the youth room. Not only did we repaint some of the walls but we added the One Way Logo to the large wall. Being the cool group we are, we hand stenciled it, thanks girls for all the great work!

Here's the logo:

We projected it on the wall first so we could trace the outline:

Then we outlined it with white paint pens:

And then we just had to fill it in:

NICE. What are those... doves?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winter Retreat '09

It was another awesome winter youth retreat this year. God blessed us with lots of fresh snow, everyone had a great time and no one got hurt. Thanks to everyone who came, it was a great group. Next year will be even better.

There's more pictures on the church site: click here